The Power of Encouragement and Motivation
It has been awhile since my last posting but with good reason. I have been working at establishing contacts with schools in order to promote my "Books for School Library Project" and am happy to say that it is starting to take momentum, here is the link to learn more about how it works. Click Me. Another exciting project that I have been working on pertains to a game related to the Ponds of Wonder that will have participants solving codes to advance from one level to another and it won't just be about solving Math problems but will involve participants also using their sense of hearing and sight as well as computer skills to progress. I'll be giving more information about this in the coming weeks as I line up and confirm some prizes. We are now well into the first term of the new scholastic year and it has been wonderful watching the excitement of my students as they learn something new or make a discovery. What has also been of extreme pleasure to me is watching students head excitedly to the school library to check out new books to read, particularly with the 7-9 year old age bracket. I love making a big deal about how exciting the book must be that they are reading as I walk through the hallways and interact with them. A good number of them make it a point to tell me how they have enjoyed the story when they've completed it. This once again reiterates, to me, how important it is that we as parents and educators take a few moments of each day to show interest in what our children are reading and celebrate their success when they've completed a book. The smile on their face speaks volumes when I tell them that I had read the same story, when applicable, when I was a child as well, and confirm it by mentioning the names of some of the characters and/or some of the situations that the characters experience. They may not always show it but children really look up to adults for reaffirmation if what it is they should be doing or reading and so love to receive praise and encouragement to keep reading more. I've recently added the following statement when I see the students off at the end of the school day - "Good- bye everyone. Read a nice, juicy book for me this evening." which had caused a few chuckles at the start, but it was amazing how, a few days later, a number of them actually had a book in hand or wanted to tell me what they were reading....the power of motivation and encouragement. Happy Reading everyone!
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions made in this post are strictly those of the author, Brian J. Abela and do not necessarily reflect those of his place of employment.