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Six Fantastic Benefits Children Receive when Parents Read with them

For the vast majority of us, finding some time in our busy schedules to read to our children is not always readily available, but when possible, it's worth considering the benefits that can result from this important past time.

Here are six known benefits children receive when parents read with them:

Reading has been known to calm people down, especially if one is restless. Let your child snuggle up next to you on a comfortable sofa and listen as you read to him/her.

Reading can help promote a longer attention span. This is very helpful when the need for longer concentration spans at school begin to increase.

Reading helps to develop a child's imagination.

Reading increases one's vocabulary base and provides ideas for creative writing exerciess at school.

Reading with a child provides time for bonding and shows them that time spent reading is fun and not a chore.

Most allows time for increased communication between you and your child.

If you've found it difficult to find some time to sit and read to your child, there's never been a better time than today to start.

Can you suggest any other benefits you may have witnessed from reading to your child? Let us know by commenting below.

Happy Reading!

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